Our Missionaries

Joseph & Francisca Akakpo
LiveGlobal-ABWE. Pray for them as they they minister to pastors and their families, youth and children throughout Togo, West Africa. They are training families and Christian teens through regular gatherings, Bible studies, church planting, and national conferences.

Jerry & Angie Berheim
Serving as missionaries with the AWANA ministries in Idaho and Oregon. Their ministry opportunities include:
- Assisting local churches establish and build AWANA clubs.
- Overseeing regional AWANA events for our local churches.
- Serving in areas of genuine need which may become bridges for the gospel.

Kyle and Brandy Bills
Serving as missionaries with ABWE
They have been called to the ministry evangelism and discipleship.
Kyle has a God given zeal to teach and train local churches in Chile how to effectively evangelize and disciple new believers, enabling them to take the saving power of the gospel to their families, neighborhoods, and beyond the borders of Chile. Kyle also plans to develop LDS specific evangelism and discipleship classes that will equip Chilean Christian’s with the knowledge and skills necessary to communicate the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the LDS population in Chile.
The Lord has impressed upon Brandy’s heart to take the gospel to the women of Chile through compassion and social welfare ministries. Though her primary ministry will be ministering to the hearts of their two children as they homeschool, she is very excited that God has opened a door for her to potentially serve at the FLORECE Prenatal and Family counseling center in Iquique where they minister to the needs of women in the community. Brandy also hopes to host women’s Bible studies for these women. Their greatest need being the lifesaving power of the gospel.

Rich & Cindy Brown
Serving as missionaries in Spain with ABWE
Their ministry opportunities include:
- Church planting.
- Preaching & Being ‘Good News’ to the people in Spain.
- Serving in areas of genuine need which may become bridges for the gospel.

James & Melissa Fife
Serving as Association of Baptists for World Evangelism missionaries to northern Togo, West Africa.
James serves on the administration team for the Hospital of Hope in Mango, a tool which allows the hope and light of the Gospel to penetrate the Muslim-majority area, home to several unreached people groups, including the largest unreached people group in West Africa, the Anufo people. James and Melissa have eight children, four boys and four girls, ranging in age from 21 to 3 years old. James is enthusiastic about village ministry and church planting and multiplication, and Melissa is passionate about ladies’ discipleship through intentional relationship-building. The Fifes are humbled and privileged to serve as the hands and feet of American Christians in Togo, a land that they love and a people who have captured their hearts and whom they desire to see come to Christ as a missions movement that will generate new disciples and disciple makers throughout the African 10/40 window.

Peter & Jamie Hudson
Serving as a missionary in Colombia with ABWE
- Church Planting
- National Partnerships
- Evangelism and Discipleship
- Community Outreach and development
- Youth Ministries
Sent by: Whitney Baptist Church

Dave & Darlene Lunsford
Serving with Baptist Network Northwest (BNN)
- Dave gives leadership to the joint ministry of the churches in the BNN in concert with the Executive Council of pastors
- Dave consults with and counsels pastors and church leaders
- Dave teaches and trains on ministry themes especially counseling related issues (He is a Certified Biblical Counselor)

Ethan & Melissa Molsee
Serving as missionaries to Togo, West Africa with ABWE.
- Church planting through medical evangelism and leadership training.
- Ministering out of the Hospital of Hope in Mango, Togo.
You can learn more by visiting The Molsees web page.

Marc & Serena Mouser
Serving as missionaries to Togo, West Africa with ABWE.
Short-term missionaries in Togo, West Africa working with Missionary Kids (MKs). Their goal is to support the various ministries in Mango (Hospital of Hope, Hope Radio, African christian school, church planting, evangelism and discipleship, pastoral training, etc.) by providing educational, social, and spiritual support to the MKs. The Mousers hope to assist the missionaries in any way that they can, so that they can be effective in their various capacities.

Paul & Carolyn Pierce
Serving as missionaries with the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.
As a church ministry representative in the western states, Paul’s ministry includes:
- The biblical teaching of Israel and the Jewish people (historically, currently and prophetically) as God’s chosen people
- Teaching at prophecy conferences, teachings about the feasts of Israel, etc
- Establishing relationships with Jewish people with a goal to share the truth of Messiah with them

Faith Shaffer
Serving in Togo, Africa
Faith Shaffer will be teaching the elementary age missionary kids at the Hospital Baptiste Biblique compound.
Her joy is to help train up missionary children both academically and spiritually. She is passionate about discipleship; striving to help these missionary kids become closer to God and grow in their walk with Him.

Pete & Deb Steele
Serving as missionaries with the BNN
(Baptist Network Northwest) assisting local church ministries in Idaho, Washington and Oregon.

Jerald and Katie Touchstone
Serving with ABWE in Togo, West Africa
Jerald and Katie Touchstone are serving in Togo, West Africa with ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism). They are the Administrators of the Village of Light School for the Blind, and managers of the VOL Farm, formerly known as the Aquaponics Ministry. The Village of Light School provides a Christ-centered, grades K through 6 education for blind children who would otherwise not be able to attend school. The VOL Farm raises tilapia fish and nutritious fruit and vegetables to feed the students at the school. ABWE uses holistic ministries as an effective method of ministering to needy people both physically and spiritually, with an end goal of evangelism and building up churches.